Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus)

Pole varieties - Hima, Grace and Pusa Early Prolfic.
Bush variety - Arka Vijay
Pole varieties are sown in pits (three plants per pit) at a spacing of 1.25 x 0.75
m and bush varieties in ridges and furrows at a spacing of 60 x 15 cm. Seeds are
to be sown during July-August. The plants are trailed over pandals, trellis or stakes.
FYM is applied at the rate of 20 t/ha. N: P2O5: K2O
recommendation for the crop is 50:100:50 kg/ha. The leaf caterpillar is a common
pest of the crop. It is also affected by Fusarium wilt, collar rot, anthracnose
and powdery mildew. Average yield is 6-10 t/ha.
Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)

The common varieties in use are Revathy, PT-62, PT-16, PT-49 and PT-2. Seeds at
the rate of 15 to 20 kg/ha are planted at a spacing of 125 x 50 cm during August-September
and are trailed over pandal, trellis or stakes. FYM is applied at the rate of 20
t/ha. N, P2O5 and K2O recommendation for the crop
is 50:100:50 kg/ha. The crop is comparatively free from pests and diseases. Average
yield is 10-15 t/ha.
Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba)

Pusa Naubahar and Pusa Sadabahar are the common varieties. Seeds at the rate of
10 to 12 kg/ha are planted at a spacing of 45-60 x 20-30 cm in February-March and
June-July. During rainy season, the seeds are sown 2-3 cm deep on ridges and in
furrows during summer months. FYM is applied at the rate of 25 t/ha. N, P2O5
and K2O recommendation for the crop is 20:60:80 kg/ha. Aphids and powdery
mildew are the common pest and disease of the crop. Average yield is 5 to 6 t/ha.
Sword bean (Canavalia

There are two types of sword bean based on seed colour. White seeded (Jack bean) varieties are
bushy in nature whereas red seeded (sword bean ) varieties are trailed over pandals. Pole type
varieties are to be planted at a spacing of 4 x 3 m whereas bush type varieties
are to be planted at 60 x 60 cm. May-June and September-October are the usual sowing
time and the seed rate followed is one or two seeds per pit. FYM is applied at the
rate of 5 t/ha. The N: P2O5: K2O mixture (7:10:5)
may be applied as basal dose and top dressing at several splits. There is no serious
pest or disease incidence in the crop. Average yield is 10-15 kg per plant.
Clove bean (Ipomoea muricata)

The crop can be grown throughout the year and are trailed over trellis or stakes.
The seeds @ 6-7 kg/ha are planted at a spacing of 1.0 x 0.6 m. FYM is applied at
the rate of 10 t/ha. N: P2O5: K2O recommendation
for the crop is 35:50:25 kg/ha. There is no serious pest or disease incidence in
the crop. Average yield is 5-6 t/ha.
Little gourd (Coccinia grandis)
Ivy gourd

Local varieties are grown in May-June and September-October by trailing over pandals
and stakes. Stem cuttings with three or four nodes and 30-40 cm length, selected
from high yielding female vines, are used as planting material. These are planted
at a spacing of 4 x 3 m. Farm yard manure at the rate of 25 kg per pit is given
in two doses. No serious pests or diseases are reported except mild attack of fruit
flies and gall insects.
Smooth gourd (Luffa cylindrica)

Pusa Chickni is the common variety in use. The crop is planted in February-March
and May-June at a spacing of 2 x 2 m. The seed rate is 2.5-3 kg/ha. The crop is
trailed over pandal, stakes or trellis. FYM at the rate of 25 t/ha is given in two
doses. N: P2O5: K2O recommended for the crop is
70:25:25 kg/ha. No serious pests or diseases are reported. The average yield is
10-15 t/ha.
Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula)

The important varieties are Haritham, Pusa Nasdhar, Co-2 and Deepthi. The crop is
usually sown during February-March and May-June. Seed rate recommended is 2.5-3.0
kg/ha with a spacing of 2 x 2 m. FYM @ 25 t/ha and N: P2O5:
K2O @ 70:25:25 kg/ha are recommended. It is usually trailed over pandals
or trellis. Average yield is 10 to 15 t/ha.
Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var.

Hungarian Wax, California Wonder and Early Calwonder are the promising varieties.
Plant the crop during September-October at a spacing of 60 x 30 cm. The seed rate
is 400-600 g/ha. Raising of seedlings, transplanting, irrigation, etc. are same
as in chilli. FYM at the rate of 25 t/ha and N: P2O5: K2O
@ 150:75:50 kg/ha are to be given. The average yield is 12-15 t/ha.
Drumstick (Moringa oleifera)

Anupama(early flowering habit and suitable for central zone) and AD-4 are the latest
varietis released from KAU. The major planting season is May-June. Stem cuttings
of 1.0-1.5 m length and 15-20 cm girth are used as planting material. Plant the
cuttings in polybags and later sprouted cuttings can be shifted to main field. For
one hectare 625 cuttings are required. These are planted at a spacing of 4 x 4 m.
FYM at the rate of 10-20 kg per pit and N: P2O5: K2O
@ 60:80:40 g per pit are recommended. Green caterpillar and hairy caterpillar are
the common pests. The average yield is 10-15 kg per tree per year.
Chekkurmanis (Sauropus androgynus)

Stem cuttings of 6-12 months old, 20-30 cm length are to be planted in May-June.
These are usually grown on borders of kitchen gardens. To check the height of the
plant and to get frequent harvests, the tips are clipped off intermittently. FYM
at the rate of 5 kg per plant per year and N: P2O5: K2O
(7:10:5) mixture @ 30 g per plant are recommended. The average yield is 2-5 kg/m2
per year.
Indian spinach (Basella spp.)
Basella alba
Basella rubra
Seeds or stem cuttings of 20-30 cm length are to be planted during May-June and
September-October. The spacing recommended is 1 m x 0.6 m. These are usually trailed
over pandals or stakes. FYM at the rate of 2-5 kg/m2 is to be given.
The average yield is 1-2.5 kg/m2.
Water leaf (Talinum triangulare)

This is a shade loving leafy vegetable grown in May-June and September-October.
Semi hard stem cuttings of 10-15 cm length are planted at a spacing of 30 x 10 cm.
FYM at the rate of 2-5 kg/m2 is given. The average yield is 2.0-2.5 kg/m2.
Curry leaf (Murraya koenigii)

It is usually planted in May-June. Root suckers are used as planting material. The
recommended spacing is 4 x 4 m with 625 plants per hectare. FYM at the rate of 10
kg per plant per year is given. N: P2O5: K2O @
60:80:40 g per adult plant per year is recommended. Major pests are citrus butterfly
and psyllid. Diaphorina pink disease is also seen. The average yield is 2-2.5 kg/m2.