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Fisheries > Culture Fisheries > Integrated Fish Farming

Pig-Fish system

This system of integration is very common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Hungary. Pigs are fed largely on kitchen waste, aquatic plants and crop wastes. The waste produced by 30-35 pigs is equivalent to 1 tonne of ammonium sulphate. Exotic breeds such have White Yorkshire, Landrace and Hampshire are reared in pig-sty near the fish pond. A floor space of 3-4 m2 is provided and boars, sows and finish stocks are housed separately. Maize, groundnut, wheat-bran, fishmeal, mineral mixes are provided as concentrate feed-mixture.

Depending on the size of the fishponds and their manure requirements, such a system can either be built on the bund dividing two fishponds or on the dry-side of the bund. Pigsties, however, may also be constructed in a nearby place where the urine and dung of pigs are first allowed to the oxidation tanks (digestion chambers) of biogas plants for the production of methane for household use. The liquid manure (slurry) is then discharged into the fishponds through small ditches running through pond bunds. Alternately, the pig manure may be heaped in localised places of fishponds or may be applied in fishponds by dissolving in water.

Pigdung contains more than 70 per cent digestible feed for fish. The undigested solids present in the pigdung also serve as direct food source to tilapia and common carp. A density of 60-100 pigs has been found to be enough to fertilise a fish pond of one hectare area. The optimum dose of pig manure per hectare has been estimated as five tonnes for a culture period of one year. Such a quantity may be obtained from 50 well-fed pigs. If the manure is to be applied in a dry form, a dosage of 400 kg/ha/day for 12 times in a year will be required. Fish like grass carp, silver carp and common carp (1:2:1) are suitable for integration with pigs.



Pig-fish integrated system

Pigs attain slaughter maturity size (60-70 kg) within 6 months and give 6-12 piglets in every litter. Their age at first maturity ranges from 6-8 months. Fish attains marketable size in a year. Keeping in view the size attained, prevailing market rate, demand of fish, partial harvesting of table-sized fish is done. Final harvesting is done after 12 months of rearing. It is seen that a fish production of 3,000 kg/ha could be achieved under a stocking density of 5,000 fish fingerlings/ha in a culture period of six months. In India, through pigfish culture, the fish yield was doubled compared to that of polyculture with intensive feeding.


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