in syrup

Heat the pineapple pieces in the pot. Fill the jars with the pieces while they are
still warm, up to approximately two thirds of their capacity.
Preparing and Using Sugar Syrups
Adding syrup to canned fruit helps to retain its flavor, color, and shape. It does
not prevent spoilage of these foods. The following guidelines for preparing and
using syrups offer new "very light" syrup, which approximates the natural
sugar content of many fruits. The sugar content in each of the five syrups is increased
by about 10 percent. Quantities of water and sugar to make enough syrup for a canner
load of pints or quarts are provided for each syrup type.
Syrup Type
Approx. % Sugar
Measures of Water and Sugar
Fruits commonly packed in syrup**
For 5 liter Load*
For 8 liter Load
Cups Water
Cups Sugar
Cups Water
Cups Sugar
Very Light
6 ½
10 ½
1 ¼
Approximates natural sugar level in most fruits and adds the fewest calories.
5 ¾
1 ½
2 ¼
Very sweet fruit.
5 ¼
2 ¼
8 ¼
3 ¾
Moderately sweet fruits.
3 ¼
7 ¾
5 ¼
Sour fruit.
Very Heavy
4 ¼
4 ¼
6 ½
6 ¾
Very sour fruit.
*This amount is also adequate for a 4.5-liter load.
**Many fruits that are typically packed in heavy syrup are excellent and tasteful
products when packed in lighter syrups. It is recommended that lighter syrups be
tried, since they contain fewer calories from added sugar.
The hot syrup is added to the fruit, which has been arranged in the jars. Make sure
that the jars are filled to the brim. Let it settle for 5 minutes to allow it and
the fruit to warm up. Seal the jars hermetically. Sterilize the jars in boiling
water for 20 minutes after placing them in bags to prevent them from knocking against
each other and breaking when the water begins to boil. Cool the jars with running
water. Dry, seal with adhesive tape, label and store.

- Remove peel from 1 large pineapple, grind, put into kettle with water to barely
cover and boil rapidly 10 minutes.
- Strain juice through cheesecloth bag. Pour juice into clean jars leaving about
1/2 inch of top of jar. Put on cap, and screw the band tight.
- Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Packing may be done using plastic
bottles or bags, coated cans, multilaminate (plastic, paper, metal foil) or any
newer materials.
- The pH values of the product must be controlled so it remains agreeable for human
consumption. It is a common practice to blend batches of juices to attain proper
acidity and sensory qualities.
fruit jam
Raw material:
Pineapples: 6 kg (peeled)
Sugar: 3 kg
Lemon juice: 50 ml
Remove the unripe fruit and those affected by blemishes or signs of decay. Wash
in abundant water and let drip. Remove the skin, according to the fruit being processed.
Cut the fruit in halves or quarters, according to its size, and place in a pot.
- Cook on low heat and stir frequently with a wooden spoon to prevent the product
from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cook
on a higher flame for 15 more minutes and stir frequently with the wooden spoon.
- Add 1 kg of sugar and dissolve rapidly. Let cook for 30 minutes. Add 50 ml of lemon
juice. Add the remaining 2 kg of sugar, dissolve it rapidly and boil for 15-20 minutes.
When the product has become thicker and has reached the setting point, remove from
the fire.
Fill the previously washed and dried glass jars with the hot jam up to 1.5 cm from
the rim. Clean the upper part of the jars from possible jam residues. Close with
screw-band lids. Turn the lid-bearing jars upside down, to sterilize the lids until
the content cools off. Remove all jam residues from the outside of the jars and
lids. Label each container, indicating the name of the product, the ingredients
and date on which the product was prepared. Place a strip of adhesive paper over
jar and lid, so as to be able to check whether the container was previously opened,
before consuming the contents. Store in a dry place, free from dust and away from
light. The product may be preserved for at least 12 months. Since less sugar than
normal is used to make an extra-quality jam, once the jar is opened the product
must be stored in the refrigerator.
Pineapple has been known to be excellent for drying. In this product, most of the
free water of the fruit is eliminated. To prepare, select fully ripe, fresh pineapple.
Remove skin and eyes from pineapple with a sharp knife. Usually, chunks or slices
are prepared for better presentation and to make handling easier. Final moisture
is near 5%, and this allows the dried fruit to have a long shelf life as long as
proper packing is provided and storage is done in a fresh place.

Pretreatments prevent fruits from darkening during
long-term storage
In this method, sublimed sulfur is ignited and burned in an enclosed box with the
fruit. The sulfur fumes penetrate the fruit and act as a pretreatment by retarding
spoilage and darkening of the fruit. The sulfur fumes also reduce the loss of vitamins
A and C.
Sulphite dip:
Sulphite dips can achieve the same long-term anti-darkening effect as sulfuring,
but more quickly and easily. Either sodium bisulphite or sodium meta-bisulphite
that are USP (food grade) or Reagent grade (pure) can be used.
Directions: Dissolve ¾ to 1 ½ teaspoons sodium bisulphite per quart
of water. (If using sodium sulphite, use 1 ½ to 3 teaspoons. If using sodium
meta-bisulphite, use 1 to 2 tablespoons.) Place the prepared fruit in the mixture
and soak 5 minutes for slices, 15 minutes for halves. Remove fruits, rinse lightly
under cold water and place on drying trays for drying.
Ascorbic Acid:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) mixed with water is a safe way to prevent fruit browning.
However, its protection does not last as sulfuring or sulfiting.
Directions: Mix 3000 mg ascorbic acid tablets, (crushed) in 2 cups of water. Place
the fruit in the solution for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove fruit, drain well and place
on dryer trays. After this solution is used twice, add more ascorbic acid.
Fruit juice dip:
A fruit juice that is high in vitamin C can also be used as a pretreatment, though
it is not as effective as pure ascorbic acid. Juices high in vitamin C include orange,
lemon, pineapple, and grape. Each juice adds its own color and flavor to the fruit.
Directions: Place enough juice to cover the fruit in a bowl. Add sliced fruit. Soak
3 to 5 minutes, remove fruit, drain well and place on dryer trays. This solution
may be used twice, before being replaced.
Honey dip:
Honey dipped fruit is much higher in calories.
Directions: Mix ½ cup sugar with 1 ½ cups boiling water. Cool to lukewarm
and add ½ cup honey. Place fruit in dip and soak 3 to 5 minutes. Remove fruit,
drain well and place on dryer trays.
It is the product of the basic processing of peeled pineapple pulp by crushing.
Pulp may be preserved by thermal treatment, by preservatives addition and proper
handling in either small packages, or in bulk packages for further industrial processing
and formulations as ice cream mixes, jellies, jams, sodas, etc.
Concentrated frozen pulp:
It is the product from thermal treatment of the pulp to remove at least 50% of the
initial water content. Concentration and freezing are applied to preserve the pulp
for extended periods of time. The concentrated pulp is stable without the addition
of chemicals as long as it is kept frozen. Upon reconstitution (by replenishing
the previously eliminated water) the pulp should have the same qualities as the
original pulp.
Aseptic pulp:
It is the pulp that is heat-sterilized and packed aseptically; no chemicals are
added and have a long shelf life. There is very specific equipment to perform this
process and it is considered to be at the cutting edge of technology.
Concentrated frozen juice:
This product is prepared by direct application of heat to pineapple juice to reduce
its water content. Preservation methods are similar as described for concentrated
pulp in which no chemical additives are used.
Mix 1 kg grated pulp of fully mature peeled but somewhat raw fruits with ripe pineapple
pulp (1 kg), 2.5 litre water 10 g citric acid and 2 g of pectin. Boil for 30 min,
cool and allow to settle for 2 hours. Separate the supernatent (upper layer) and
filter. Test for pectin quality. Formation of single clot with small quantity of
ethyl alcohol added to test samples indicates high pectin content. Concentrate further
if necessary to obtain single clot. Cook gently the extract with equal quantity
of sugar to obtain the end point indicated by the formation of sheet. Pack hot.
Cover with a layer of melted wax and close the lid.
Vinegar is prepared by an acetic fermentation of alcohol solutions derived from
sugar or starchy materials (fermentable sugar content of 8-20%). This is done by
strains isolated from the raw materials. Peel and other pineapple by-products from
processing can be used as raw materials to prepare natural vinegar and thus make
a proper use of residuals. Vinegar must be pasteurized once it is prepared and bottled.
It is stable at ambient temperature.
Concentrate 1 kg strained pulp containing 20 g sugar to 1/3 of its original volume
in the presence of suspended spice bag containing 50 g chopped onion, 5 g garlic
and 50 g ginger, 10 g powdered spices and 5 g red chillies. Press out spice bag
occasionally and squeeze it out finally to obtain maximum spice extract. Add 15
g salt and remaining 40 g sugar and cook to thick consistency. Add 450 ml vinegar
and cook again to end point. Add and mix preservative after dissolving in minimum
quantity of water. Heat to boiling and hot pack.
Preserve and candy:
Cut rectangular slices (4x1 cm) or suitable sized cubes from the fully mature ripe
washed peeled fruits after removing seeds. Keep in 1.5 % limewater for 3-4 hours.
Drain and wash 3-4 times in plain water. Dissolve 400 g sugar in 600 ml hot water
and filter. Boil pieces in sugar syrup and keep overnight. Next day drain the syrup,
raise its Brix to 50. Add slices, boil and keep again. Repeat this process every
day, untill Brix reaches 70-75°. Keep for a week. Drain the syrup, fill the
pieces in dry jars and cover slices with freshly prepared sugar syrup of 70°Bx.
For the preparation of candy, raise the Brix of syrup to 75°, and keep it for
a week. Drain and dry the pieces under shade. Dip pieces in boiling water to remove
adhering sugars. Drain, dry and pack.
Concentrate 1 kg sieved pulp to 1/3 volume and cook with added sugar (600 g), glucose
(100 g) and hydrogenated fat (100 g) till a speck of the product put into water
forms compact solid mass. Make thick paste of 100 g skim milk powder in minimum
quantity of water and mix with the boiling mass. Spread 1-2 cm thick layer of the
cooked mass over /SS trays smeared with fat. Add flavoring material at this stage,
if necessary. Allow to cool. Cut and wrap in butter paper (, 2000).