Poults should be debeaked to control feather picking and cannibalism. Debeaking
can be done at day old or 3-5 weeks of age. Remove the beak at about one half the
distance from nostril to the tip of the beak.
Removal of the snood or dewbill is to prevent the head injuries from picking and
fighting. At the day old the snood can be removed by shumbnail or finger pressure.
At 3 weeks of age it can be cut off close to the head with sharp scissors.
Detoeing or toe clipping
Clipping is done at day old by removing the tip of the toe just to the inside of
the outer most toe pad including the entire toenail.
Turkey egg
The turkey will start lay from the 30th week of age and its production period is
24 weeks from the point of lay. Under proper feeding and artificial lightening management
turkey hens lay as much as 60-100 eggs annually. Nearly 70 percent of the eggs will
be laid in the afternoon. The turkey eggs are tinted and weigh about 85 gms. Egg
is noticeably pointed at one end with strong shell. The protein, lipid carbohydrate
and mineral content of turkey egg are 13.1%, 11.8%, 1.7% and 0.8% respectively.
The cholesterol is 15.67 - 23.97 mg/gm of yolk.
Turkey meat
Turkey meat has nutritional and sensorial properties which make it almost ideal
raw material for rational and curative nutrition. People prefer turkey meat because
of its leanest nature. The protein, fat, energy value of turkey meat are 24%, 6.6%,
162 Calories per 100 gm of meat. Mineral like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
selenium, zinc and sodium are present. It is also rich in essential amino acids
and vitamins like niacin, vitamin B6 and B12. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids
and essential fatty acids and low in cholesterol.