23 February 2025
Seed production
Commercial seed production of rock lobster is yet to be perfected. However, breeding,
larval rearing and seed production of the sand lobster Thenus orientalis
has been successfully carried out by CMFRI. Hence seed in lobster farming refers
to the juveniles used for culture, which are exclusively collected from the intertidal
areas. In India juveniles of P. polyphagus are fished along the coast of
Gujarat. The seed thus procured are transported carefully and used for stocking
in the grow-out system. For lobster fattening, adult lobsters just below the commercial
size are used. In the case of P. homarus and P. polyphagus, the
seed size for fattening would be below the commercial size of 175 g, but above 150
g and for P. ornatus, it would be below 400 g, but above 300 g.
Hatchery seed production of sand lobster
The phyllosoma larvae of sand lobster were reared for settlement following a technology
comprising of broodstock management, induced maturation, larval culture, feed development
and conditioning harvest of post-larvae. The larval cycle of T. orientalis
is completed within 26 days and the survival rate from phyllosoma I to post-larvae
is around 22% and from post-larvae to juvenile nearly 100%. During this period the
larvae were fed with a combination diet of fresh clam meat and zooplanktons. The
arrow worm, Sagitta enflata is preferred in phyllosoma stage I and II,
while advanced stages (III and IV) prefer ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachiae.
By rearing T. orientalis seed in closed circulatory systems with in situ
fluidized substrate bed filters and reduced light intensity and using fresh
clam meat as feed, then sub-adult size weighing approximately 35 g could be obtained
in about 3 to 4 months, and in 180 days the animals attain an average weight of
150 g.