12 March 2025
Disease Management
Aquarium fishes develop diseases due to poor environmental condition. Preventing
disease is much more economical than providing expensive treatments following disease
outbreak. Following steps can be taken to prevent fish diseases.
- Provide adequate and non-polluted water
- Provide sufficient space
Provide adequate and balanced feed
- Prevent high temperature fluctuations
Remove dead fish, faecal matter routinely
- Intermittently clean and disinfect
the system
- Always maintain compatible species
- Avoid unnecessary handling
Control internal and external parasites
- All new incoming fishes should be quarantined
from resident stock
- Separate the infected fishes
- Provide adequate nursing
for diseased fishes
Common disease of ornamental fishes and their treatments
Causative agent
Pinhead size white spots on the body and fins
Protozoan parasite (Ichthyophthirius)
Increase the temperature and treat with 5% methylene blue (1 drop/litre), treat
the fish for 1 week
Contagious, observed during sudden drop of water temperature
White spots smaller than above
Unicellular parasite (mono flagellate)
Copper sulphate 0.1 mg/litre for 10-15 min bath
White clumps with cotton like appearance
Fungi including Saprolegnia
1 tsp salt/2 litres water, 1-2 drops of 5% methylene blue or malachite green 2 mg/litre
for 30 min dip or 0.1 mg/litre for permanent bath
Favoured by wounds
Swollen eyes
Bacteria, virus, fungi, sometimes together
1% silver nitrate on poped eyes followed by 1% potassium permanganate
Treatment is difficult
Gradual disintegration of fins
Bacterial disease
Surgical removal of ragged portion by a fine sterilized scissors, paint the cut
wounded portion by iodine solution. Repeat the same at 12 & 24 hr
Unusual swimming behavior
Swollen abdomen erected scale
Bacterial disease
No known cure. Antibiotics may be tried.
Contagious, difficult to treat
Opercula sticking out, unusual swimming, tiny flukes on the gills
Parasite fluke, Gyrodactylus
Formaldehyde 5-6 drops/litre water dip treatment for 10 min. Repeat for 3 days
Not easy to detect
Red patch in the body
Argulosis/ Learnaeasis
Argulus/ Learnaea ectoparasite
Physical removal of parasites, 15 min bath in 1-2% potassium permanganate, painting
the region with iodine soln. Repeat the same after 12 & 24 hr
Violent rubbing due to irritation
(Source: ICAR, 2006)
Chemicals used in treatment
Iodine: Diluted by addition of an equal amount of water
to produce a half-strength solution.
Malachite green: Stock solution prepared from zinc-free
grade by adding 500 ml distilled water to 1 g malachite green.
Methylene blue: A stock solution is made by adding 1 g
medical grade methylene blue to 100 ml warm distilled water.
Potassium permanganate: A stock solution is made by thoroughly
dissolving 1 g crystals in 99 ml warm distilled water.