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Agriculture > Spices > Ginger

Crop Management

Nutrient management

At the time of planting, well decomposed cattle manure or compost @ 25-30 tonnes/ ha has to be applied either by broadcasting over the beds prior to planting or applied in the pits at the time of planting. Application of neem cake @ 2 tonnes/ ha at the time of planting helps in reducing the incidence of rhizome rot disease/ nematode infection and increasing the yield.

The recommended dose of fertilizer for ginger is 75 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O per ha. The fertilizers are to be applied in split doses. The beds are to be earthed up, after each top dressing with the fertilizers. In zinc deficient soils basal application of up to 6 kg zinc/ha (30 kg of zinc sulphate/ ha) gives good yield.

Fertilizer schedule for ginger (per ha)

Fertilizer Basal application After 60 days After 120 days





Neem cake




25-30 tonnes

2 tonnes

37.5 kg





37.5 kg





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