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Animal Husbandry > Chicken

Breeds of Chicken

Chickens are grown for their egg and meat. Likewise they are classified as egg-type chicken and meat-types chickens. Egg type chickens are composed of stock that has been developed for egg production and are maintained for the principal purpose of producing chicks for the ultimate production of eggs for human consumption. Breeds of meat type chickens primarily include broilers, fryers, roasters, and other meat type chickens. Here broilers and other chickens are raised for their meat. Broilers are genetically selected for fast growth and raised for meat rather than eggs e.g. White Synthetic Male line (WSML), white synthetic dam line (SDL), coloured synthetic male line (CSML), coloured synthetic female line (CSFL), introgression of frizzle gene etc.

Indigenous breeds of egg type chicken in Kerala

Breed Age at sexual Maturity Age at 50% egg production Total egg production (up to 72 weeks) Body weight at 72 weeks Egg weight Livability
1. Gramalakshmi
160 days
180 days
1.7 Kg
50 g
2. Gramapriya
175 days
190 days
2.0 Kg
55 g
3. Athulya
123 days
145 days
1.5 Kg
55.8 g
(Source: Kerala Agricultural University)

Native breeds of egg type chicken in India

Breed Body weight
(20 weeks)
Age at sexual maturity (days) Annual egg production (No.) Egg weight at 40 weeks (g) Fertility Hatchability FES (5)

1. Aseel

1220 196 92 50 66 63

2. Frizzle

1005 185 110 53 61 71

3. Kadaknath

920 180 105 49 55 52

4. Naked neck

1005 201 99 54 66 71

(Source: Central Avian Research Institute)

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Naked neck

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White leghorn

Other commercial breeds of broiler chicken in India

Breed First egg 50% Production Peak production Livability Egg production peak Feed efficiency Egg weight Net egg production (72 weeks)
ILI-80 17-18 weeks 150 days 26-28 weeks Grower (96%)
Layer (94%)


54 g 280 eggs
Golden-92 18-19 weeks 155 days 27-29 weeks Grower (96%)
Layer (94%)


54 g 265 eggs
Priya 17-18 weeks 150 days 26-28 weeks Grower (96%)
Layer (94%)


57 g 290 eggs
Sonali 18-19 weeks 155 days 27-29 weeks Grower (96%)
Layer (94%)


54 g 275 eggs
Devendra 18-19 weeks 155 days 27-29 weeks Grower (97%)
Layer (94%)


50 g 200 eggs
(Source: Central Avian Research Institute)

Commercial available meat-type chicken in India

Breed Weight at six weeks (g) Weight at seven weeks (g) Food conversion ratio Livability
B-77 1300 1600 2.3 98-99
CARIBRO-91 1650 2100 1.94-2.2 97-98
CARIBRO Multicoloured 1600 2000 1.9-2.1 97-98
CARIBRO Naked necked 1650 2000 1.9-2.0 97.98
Varna 1500 1800 2.1-2.25 97
(Source: Central Avian Research Institute & Kerala Agricultural University)


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