Care of Laying Birds
Housing:At 18 weeks of age
all under grown pullet chicks are to be culled and disposed off. Careful selection
at the time of housing enables better returns and fewer culls later. The stock can
either be reared in the same house where it was grown or transferred to laying house.
Optimum housing density should be maintained for best utilisation of house, equipment
and labour. Provide 1950 cm2 of floor space per egg type bird. Nest boxes
must be introduced to laying house two weeks prior to the onset of lay to help birds
to get used to nest. The nests should be roomy, dark, cool, well ventilated and
located on one side of the building. Nest boxes made of cheap deal wood, measuring
30 x 30 x 40 cm each may be provided at the rate of one box for every five hens.
Clean nesting materials should be placed inside the nest boxes and the nesting materials
should be changed periodically. If needed, top-dress the litter with new material.
Light: Use correct lighting schedule
to ensure better performance. While light period should not be increased for growing
birds, it would be advantageous to increase the light period or photoperiod for
laying chicken from 22nd week of age onwards at the rate of 15 minutes per week
so as to reach 16 hours of total photoperiod (natural plus artificial). When the
birds have been in lay for about 6 months, the photoperiod may be increased to 17
hours per day. The light period may be constantly maintained throughout the rest
of laying period. There is no special advantage in increasing the photoperiod over
17 hours per day. The lighting programme, if started, should be followed systematically.
Feeding :
A good quality layer mash should be provided to the laying birds.
Ration of layer mash for chickens
Yellow Maize
Soyabean meal
Gingelly oil cake
Groundnut oil cake (expeller)
Rice polish
Wheat bran
Fish meal/dried unsalted fish
Dicalcium phosphate
Mineral mixture
Shell meal
(Source: Kerala Agricultural University)
The feed may be given in linear feed troughs or in hanging feeders. Provide five
hanging feeders, each 50 cm in diameter with 20 – 25 kg capacity for 100 layers.
Place the feeders within 3 meters of waterer. Stir the feed few times a day to promote
Water space of 2.5 linear cm per bird should be provided. Increase watering space
25% when temperature goes above 27oC. The feeders in the laying pen must
be positioned in such a way that the upper edge is slightly higher than the back
of the birds. The feeders should not be filled more than 1/3 full.
Cage Layer
The advantages of cage rearing are easy management, housing of more number of birds
in limited space, clean egg production, less problem due to parasites and other
diseases, easier culling, etc. Some of the disadvantages include high initial investment,
wet dropping, odour and fly problem. To offset these problems, elevated cage houses
are useful.
Four birdcages are ideal for commercial layers. The specification of a 4 bird cage
is as follows.
Length (Frontage)
45 cm
Height at back
38 cm
Height at front
42 cm
42 cm
Since there are two different measurements in height, the floor of the cage will
have a slope towards front. Most material for laying cage floors is welded wire
fabric. Sometimes the wire is coated with plastic. Most cage floors are constructed
of 14 gauge wire to give necessary strength. Usually cage floors are constructed
of wire with a mesh size of 2.5 x 5.0 cm (1 x 2"). The wire floor should be extended
past the front of the cage for 18 cm and rounded up so as to collect the eggs there.
To conserve space, thereby reducing the investment in the house in which the laying
cages are placed, many methods have been developed to house birds in a given area.
Single-deck, double-deck or triple-deck arrangement can be adopted.
The floor of the cage should be about one metre higher than the ground level. In
order to collect the droppings from the cages a shallow pit at a depth of 30 cm
from the floor level at length-wise just under the cages may be constructed.
Long, continuous troughs are used for feeding caged layers. Water is supplied by
channel running the length of the cage unit. The water channel is usually placed
above the feed trough outside the cage. Instead of water channel, nipple drinkers
can also be provided. Birds should be dewormed once in every 3 months.
Breeder management: Breeding birds are
reared for the production of hatching eggs. Care should be taken to produce maximum
fertile eggs that hatch well. For this purpose males should be reared separately
from the females during the growing period. Breeder males should be introduced to
the flock of females at 20 weeks of age in the ratio of 1 : 8 for heavy breeds and
1:10 for light breeds. Hatching eggs can be saved from the age of 24 weeks onwards.
The birds must be kept free of Pullorum disease and Mycoplasmosis.
Clean and dry litter is necessary to produce clean eggs with good hatchability and
to improve general health of birds. The hatching eggs should be fresh and with good
shell quality. Hair like cracks on the egg shell will reduce hatchability. Nests
should be provided at the rate of one per five birds.
Breeding birds should be given breeder mash or a layer mash supplemented with MnSO4,
Choline Chloride, Selenium, Vit. E, Lysine and Methionine as per standards.
Feed restriction in meat type breeders:
Meat type breeders have the inherent ability to grow faster. There is a negative
correlation between the body weight and reproductive capacity. Hence top priority
should be given to control the body weight of broiler breeders during growing and
laying phases so as to get maximum production and profit.
Advantages of feed
- Uniformity in the flock.
- Produces better egg size during early periods of
- Reduces body weight at sexual maturity.
- Offers better livability
during egg production.
- Avoid problems of fertility and hatchability.
Leg disorders due to over feeding can be controlled.
- Mortality due to over feeding
will be prevented.
- Avoid mating difficulties due to their large body size in
Methods of feed restriction
There are two methods of feed restriction
- Restrict the daily amount of feed given to the bird considering the body weight
standards of the particular breed.
- Skip a day feeding either by feeding every
alternate day or by skip feeding one day per week.
The weekly body weight record is the main criterion for the feed restriction programme.
So sample of birds should be weighed on weekly basis and this weight can be compared
with that of the standards for those particular breeds. If the body weight is below
the standards the feed allotments must be increased.
Culling: Year round culling of unproductive
stock will fetch better profit. Culling is based on physical characters, which reflect
the physiological changes related to egg production.
The characters that are used in culling
Laying hen
Non-laying hen
Large, dilated, oblong, moist
Small, contracted, round, dry
Pubic bone
Wide apart (usually about 3 fingers)
Close together (one or two fingers)
Large, red, full, glossy, warm
Small, pale, scaly, cold
Wattles and ear lobes
Prominent, soft, smooth
Inconspicuous, rough, dry
Abdominal capacity
A depth of 4-5 fingers from the end of the keel to the pubic bones
A depth of 2-3 fingers only
Soft and pliable abdomen quality
Pubic bones thin, pliable
Low subcutaneous fat
Abdomen not flexible, rubbery
(Source: Kerala Agricultural University)
Laying flocks are generally to be liquidated after one year of production, since
keeping them longer into second year of production may be uneconomical. If there
is any outbreak of vertically transmitted diseases, like salmonellosis, total culling
is recommended.
Care of eggs: Eggs produced under clean
conditions are most profitable. To produce table eggs keep males out of flock. Fertile
eggs deteriorate more quickly than infertile eggs. Provide clean good litter material
in the nest boxes. Collect eggs as frequently as possible at least 3 times a day
and keep them cool until they are disposed off. In warm weather increase collection
to four or five times a day.
Handle eggs carefully. Collect the eggs in clean filler flats or in well-ventilated
wire plastic baskets. Market eggs frequently. If the percentage of dirty eggs is
more, check the management of layer house and take corrective measures.
Summer management: Chickens prefer a
laying house temperature of about 23.8oC and are comfortable up to 29.4oC.
When the laying house temperature is above 32.3oC, birds are uncomfortable
and the feed consumption is greatly reduced with low egg production. Over 37.8oC,
the mortality rate is rather high. Coupled with these, the farmer often faces low
egg prices also. Therefore adequate protection of laying birds during hot weather
is emphasised.
The following tips are recommended to keep the birds comfortable and to curtail
deaths during summer months.
- Provide plenty of clean, cool drinking water at all times. Crushed ice may be provided
in waterers if possible.
- Plant shade trees around the poultry house.
- Use a hosepipe sprinkler on the roof. Sprinkling can reduce temperature inside the
- Clean the wire netting regularly to maintain perfect ventilation.
- Reduce the thickness of old built-up litter. Two inches of fresh litter may be provided
in the place of old litter.
- Preferable to give artificial light in the early morning hours so that birds eat
and drink more during the cooler hours of the day.
- Provide plenty of soluble grit so that the hens can adjust their calcium intake.
This will save a lot of cracked and broken eggs.
- Addition of electrolytes, Vitamin C, and probiotics in drinking water helps to alleviate
heat stress.
- Provide fan ventilation during summer.
- Feed during cool hours of the day. Addition of vitamins and minerals in the feed
is advantageous.
- Hang wet gunny bags on the sides.
- Provide sprinklers in the pen.