Disease, etiological agent and species affected
Important symptoms
Specimens to be collected
Control / Treatment
1. Fowl cholera
Poultry, Turkey and Duck
In acute cases birds may die without showing any symptom. In less severe form breathing
rapid- open beak, feather ruffled, comb and wattle become cyanotic. There may be
yellowish diarrhoea. In chronic form swollen comb and wattle, joints hot and painful.
In duck acute haemorrhagic enteritis and oozing of blood from oral cavity noticed.
Sudden death.
Blood smear from ailing bird, spleen, liver, lung etc. from sacrificed or dead bird
in separate cover (on ice), long bones from putrefied carcass in charcoal packing.
In chronic case smear from wattle
Demonstration of orga- nism in blood smear, isolation of organism from internal
organs, isolation of the organism from long bone, in chro- nic case it is difficult
to demonstrate the organism in blood. Smear from wattle is used, biological method
using pigeon
Treatment: Sulpha drugs and TMP combination, Enrofloxacin are effective. Drugs like
Flamequin, Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, Chlortetracycline and Novobiocin are also
1.Killed vaccine
2. Formalinised vaccines with adjuvant:
1 ml s/c
2. Duck septicaemia
(Riemerella anatipestifer and Pasteurella anatipestifer)
Ducks & Turkey
Young ducks (1-8 weeks) are highly susceptible. Listlessness - occular and nasal
discharge, mild coughing, sneezing, greenish diarrhoea, ataxia, tremor of head and
neck and coma. In certain cases in adult ducks severe haemorrhagic enteritis with
septicaemic lesions all over body noticed. Blood seen in the oral cavity at the
time of death due to severe congestion of mucous membrane of oesophagus - sudden
death noticed.
Affected bird or internal organs, especially heart, liver, spleen from affected
bird in sterile containers (on ice).
Isolation and identification of the organism, demonstration of the organism in blood
smear, in putrefied carcass isolation from long bones.
Combination of streptomycin and dihydro-streptomycin., suphadimidine sodium in drinking
water for 3 days. Flamequin, Chloramphenicol, Enrofloxacin, Ampicillin, Pefloxacin
are also effective.
A formalised whole culture vaccine is found to protect the bird for at least 3-6
A formalised oil adjuvant vaccine is also effective.
3. Pullorum
(Salmonella pullorum)
Chicks hatched from infected egg, moribund or dead chick may be seen in the incubator.
Sometimes disease is not seen for 5-10 days. Peak mortality during second or third
week. Affected birds may exhibit a shrill cry when voiding excreta, which is white
or greenish brown. Infection spread within the flock for a long time without any
distinct signs. Reduction in egg production, fertility and hatchability.
Ailing bird or freshly dead birds, or spleen, liver and intestine on ice from dead
Isolation and identification of organism from diseased birds, whole blood agglutination
using coloured antigen (not for turkey), tube agglutination test, ELISA, post mortem
lesions. In adult, abnormal ovary with misshapen, discoloured ova, pedunculated
with thickened wall.
No treatment is likely to effect complete elimination of carrier from infected birds.
Sulphadiazine, Sulphamerazine, sulphapyrazine, Sulphamethazine are the most effective
in chicken (not in turkey poults). Furazolidone is effective. Also chloramphenicol,
colistin and apromycin are effective. No vaccination practised and all positive
birds may be disposed off by slaughter. Birds recently vaccinated with S.gallinarum
(9R) may give low titre.
Since transovarian transmission of organism is there, only eggs from salmonella
free flock should be used for hatching.
4. Fowl typhoid (S.gallinarum)
Poultry and Turkey
Seen in young chicken and poults. Symptoms similar to pullorum disease. Birds show
diarrhoea and greenish faeces and systemic disturbances.
Ailing bird or fresh carcass or liver, spleen and intestine from freshly dead birds
by special messenger on ice
Isolation and identification of organism, tube and plate test, clinical observation
and necropsy findings (Bronze liver
Sulpha-TMP drugs, Quinelone group are used. Nitrofurans (Furazolidone) are used
with some success.
1.Killed vaccine, 2.Live vaccine (9 R strain). Drugs when used as prophylactic agent,
10 days withdrawal period before slaughter.
5. Paratyphoid infection of birds with Salmonella other than
S. Pullorum and
S. gallinarum
Poultry, Turkey, Ducks and Goose
Similar to pullorum
Two ailing birds
Internal organs in sterile vials, by special messenger on ice.
Isolation and identification of organism, clinical observation and autopsy findings,
serological tests
Furazlidone, injectable gentamicin, spectinomycin, and sodium nalidixate are the
drugs of choice. Bacterin and attenuated live vaccines are used.
6. Collibacillosis
(E. coli)
Poultry, Turkey, Duck
In acute form, symptoms resemble fowl cholera or fowl typhoid.
Ailing bird or internal organs in sterile containers through special messenger on
Symptoms, isolation and identification of organism, PM lesions, pericarditis, peritonitis,
air saculitis, perihepatitis, septicaemic carcass with liver, spleen, lung, kidney
dark and congested.
Faecal contamination of hatching eggs reduced by fumigating or disinfecting eggs
within 2 hours of laying. Antibiotic administration after studying the antibiogram.
Furazolidone is fed (0.04%) for 10 days and chlortetracycline in water (600 mg/5
L) for 5 days. Inactivated vaccine from 02:K1 and 078: K SO strains are effective.
For ducks, inactivated vaccine prepared from 078 strain is effective.
7. Infectious coryza (Haemophiluspara gallinarum)
Affects upper respiratory tract, sero mucoid nasal and occular discharges and facial
oedema, conjunctivitis with closed eyes.
Ailing bird or trachea and lungs in sterile containers on ice.
Isolation and identification
Sulpha drugs plus TMP, streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, quinolone 2nd
8. Erysipelas (Erysipeolothrix insidiosa)
Turkey & Chicken.
Sudden death, especially in toms. Cutaneous lesions may be seen. Affected males
have swollen discoloured turgid snood and dewlap.
Ailing bird, piece of liver, spleen in sterile vials on ice, bones of putrefied
birds in charcoal, impression smears (from liver, spleen and heart blood smear.
Sudden loss of adult turkey in flesh with septicaemic lesions, isolation and identification
of organism, bone marrow culture in putrefied carcass, agglutination test.
Crystalline penicillin is the drug of choice. Erythromycin and broad-spectrum antibiotics
are also effective. Aluminium hydroxide absorbed whole cell of E.insidiosa
(serotype 2) is effective.
9. Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Chicken and
Nasal discharge, shaking of head, coughing, swelling of the orbital sinuses and
tracheal rales.
Loss of weight, reduction in egg production and fertility, mortality low.
Ailing bird or trachea, air sac, turbinates and lung in sterile container from dead
bird (on ice).
Symptoms, isolation and identification of organism, rapid serum plate test, HI test,
Chlortetracycline, tylosin, streptomycin, erythromycin or lincomycin can be tried.
But some strains are resistant to tylosin, streptomycin, erythromycin or spiromycin.
Dipping of egg prior to hatching in tylosin or chlortetracycline is advised for
controlling the infection.
- MG bacterin with oil emulsion adjuvant.
- Live vaccine F strain of MG can be used.
10. Gangrenous dermatitis (Clostridium septicum,
Cl. perfringes type A S. aureus singly or in combination)
Varying degree of depression, incoordination, leg weakness, ataxia, dark moist areas
of skin devoid of feathers, overlying wings, breast, abdomen and leg, extensive
blood tinged oedema with or without gas is present beneath the affected skin.
Ailing birds, swab collected from affected area.
Clinical symptoms and lesions, isolation and identification of organism
No treatment is completely successful. Chlortetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Bacitracin,
penicillin, copper sulphate in drinking water. Furaxone in feed
11. Psittacosis/
Ornithosis (Chlamydia psittaci)
Parrots and other psittacine birds, domestic poultry, turkey and ducks.
Transmissible to man
Ruffled plumage, nasal discharge, watery greenish diarrhoea, pasting of feathers,
wasting of pectoral muscles, nervous symptoms, respiratory symptoms.
Two ailing birds, impression smears from cut surfaces of liver, spleen, air sac
impression smears
Clinical symptoms, P.M.findings, microscopical examination, impression smears, after
modified ZN staining isolation and identification of the organism, CFT.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics, chlortetracycline 500-800 g/tonne of feed for 3 weeks.
Doxycycline also tried
(Source: Kerala Agricultural University)