05 February 2025
Animal Husbandry > Quail
Care of Adult Quails
The males and females can be separated based on physical appearance at about 4-5
weeks of age. The males have an even coloured rusty brown breast feathers with only
few speckles of white. Whereas the females have grey and black speckled breast feathers.
The males also have a cloacal gland, which secretes a white foamy material. In contrast
to most poultry, females are slightly heavier than males.
Quails reach sexual maturity at about six weeks of age and weigh 120 g. Adults require
150-180 cm 2 per quail in laying cage. A feeder space of 2-3 cm per quail and water
space of 2 cm has to be provided. For laying flock a photoperiod of 16 hours is
desirable for good egg production. Layer quails may be provided with a mash containing
22% protein and 2650 K cal/kg of ME. Japanese quails reproduce well in all seasons.
The eggs are laid from evening, the peak being between 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. The eggs
laid during second year of lay are very much fewer than first year. Quail egg weighs
around 10 g and is characterised by a variety of colour pattern ranging from dark
brown, blue and white to buff each mottled with black, brown and blue. The egg shell
is very thin and therefore breaks easily.