05 February 2025
Animal Husbandry > Quail
Care of quail chicks
The hatch weight of quail chicks is 6-7 g. They can be brooded either on deep litter
or in battery brooders. However, brooding the quail chicks in cages up to end of
3 weeks of age reduces initial mortality considerably.
The floor space suggested is 75 cm2/chick under the hover and 75 cm2/chick
as run space. The brooder temperature recommended is 37oC at the beginning
and this should be reduced at 2.7oC per week until the chicks are 4 weeks
of age, by which time the quails would have grown their feathers very well. During
brooding, water should be given in shallow dishes filled with marbles or pebbles
to prevent quail chicks from drowning. The marbles or pebbles can be removed when
the chicks are about 2 weeks of age.
The feeder space and water space recommendations are 2 and 1 linear cm per quail
chick respectively. Quail chicks can be fed with a mash containing 27% protein and
2750 K cal / kg of ME up to end of 3 weeks of age and a mash containing 24% protein
and 2750 K cal/kg of ME from 4th week of age. Maximum care has to bestow during
the first two weeks of life of quail chicks.