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Agriculture > Fruit Crops > Banana (Musa spp.)

Crop Management

Nutrient Management


Apply compost, cattle manure or green leaves at the rate of 10 kg/plant at the time of planting.

Apply N:P2O5:K2O at the following dose (g/plant/year).

Variety Recommendation

Nendran (irrigated) 


Other varieties depending upon soil fertility level 

60-200 : 160-200 : 320-400

Palayankodan (rainfed) 


Palayankodan (reclaimed alluvial soils of Kuttanad)

Plant crop


First ratoon


Second ratoon


Plant crop followed by two ratoon crops gives maximum yield. Two suckers per clump should be retained for ratooning.

Apply the fertilizer 60-75 cm around the plant in two equal split doses; the first, two months after planting and the second, four months after planting. For ratoon crop, the entire fertilizers have to be applied in a single dose immediately after the harvest of the preceding crop. Irrigate immediately after manuring.

Note: For Nendran, apply the fertilizers in six split doses as detailed below which will be beneficial to improve the finger size and bunch weight, provided the farmers can afford the cost of application.

Time of fertilizer application

N:P2O5:K2O g/plant

One month after planting


Two months after planting


Three months after planting


Four months after planting


Five months after planting


Just after complete emergence of bunch




For Palayankodan (rainfed), planting may be done in January and the suckers may be given pot irrigation @ nine litres of water once in 15 days until April-May.

After planting banana, sow sunn hemp / daincha / cowpea adopting a seed rate of 50 kg/ha. Incorporate the crop into the soil 40 days after sowing. Repeat sowing of green manure crop and incorporate into soil 40 days after sowing.


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