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Agriculture > Plantation Crops > Coffee (Coffea arabica)
Crop Management

Drought Management in Coffee

Wherever water is available, overhead irrigation by sprinkler system is adopted to a greater advantage during November-January to keep the soil moisture level and in February-April for ensuring blossom as well as backing, if necessary.

Plants affected by drought limit vegetative growth, show floral abnormalities and poor fruit set resulting in reduced yield. Therefore, drought tolerance is an important aspect of coffee productivity. Arabica coffee is more tolerant to drought than Robusta. For inducing tolerance in Robusta the following nutrient solution can be sprayed @ 1 litre per plant.

Nutrient in 200 litres of water

Urea 1 kg
Superphosphate 1 kg
Muriate of potash 750 g
Zinc sulphate 1 kg

Spraying schedule

1st spray: 45 days after the last rainfall (usually the 2nd fortnight of January)

2nd spray: 30-45 days after the first spray

Foliar application of anti-transpirants like Ralli Dhan 110 @ 200 ml in 200 litres of water (0.1%) is also useful for drought management in coffee.

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