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Agriculture > Fruit Crops > Banana (Musa spp.)

Crop Management

Tissue Culture of Nendran (Ad hoc recommendation)

Tissue culture offers a rapid method of multiplication of quality, uniform, pest and disease free production of planting materials in large quantities in banana. The productivity of banana can be increased by cultivation of tissue culture plants of selected elite ecotypes of different varieties.


Give spacing of 2 m x 2 m (2500 plants/ha)

Tissue culture plants can also be used for high density planting in Nendran banana to achieve higher returns. The spacing recommended for high density planting is as follows:

(a) 2 m x 3 m with two plants / pit (3332 plants in 1666 pits per ha)
(b) 1.75 m x 1.75 m with one plant per pit (3265 plants / ha)

Pit size

50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm

Method of planting

Prepare pits 15 days in advance of planting. Fill the pits with topsoil and FYM 15-20 kg per plant per pit. Plant the tissue culture plants on the top of the pit at ground level. Remove the polythene cover completely before planting without damaging the roots. Planting may be done preferably during evening hours. Provide partial shade to plants to protect against sun scorching for about two weeks. Irrigate the crop daily during initial days of establishment.

Plant protection

Adopt integrated plant protection measures to control major pests and diseases.

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