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Agriculture > Fruit Crops > Pineapple (Ananas comosus)

Crop Management


In international trade, the numerous pineapple cultivars are grouped in four main classes: 'Smooth Cayenne', 'Red Spanish', 'Queen', and 'Abacaxi', despite much variation in the types within each class.

Smooth Cayenne or Cayenne ('Maipuri', 'Kew', 'Sarawak', 'Esmeralda', 'Claire', 'Typhoon', 'Saint Michel'):

smooth cayenne
Smooth Cayenne is extensively cultivated in Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Kenya, Mexico, Cuba and Formosa.  The ovoid medium-sized fruit (1.5 to 2.5 kg) of 'Smooth Cayenne' is held on a short and strong peduncle.  It ripens progressively, turning yellow from the base to the top, which is reflected in a strong internal maturity gradient too.  The flesh is firm, close-textured, juicy and with a pale-yellow to yellow colour at maturity.  And average acid range lies between 0.5 and 1.0% and total soluble solids (TSS) between 12° and 16° Brix.  The plant is a poor producer of shoots and slips.  The production cycle is longer than for most other cultivars.  'Smooth Cayenne' is sensitive to many known pests (fruit borers, mites, symphillids, nematodes) and diseases (mealybug wilt, fusariosis, fruitlet core rot, butt rot), and to internal browning.  However, it is considered tolerant to Phytophthora sp. and resistant to fruit collapse, caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi Burkbolder.


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