Breeding males required
1 male for 10 females
Age at which first bred
Small breeds - 4 months age (Polish, Dutch)
Medium breed - 5 to 6 months (Newzealand White, Chinchilla)
Characteristics of reproduction
Polyoestrous. A female rabbit appears to have no definite oestrus cycle although
a certain rhythm exists in their sexual receptivity. Cycle lasts for about 12 days
of which 4 are infertile.
Signs of heat
Congested, purple and moist vulva, restlessness, rubbing the chin on the sides
of the cage, lying in mating posture and lifting the tail
Mating behaviour
The doe is always taken to the buck’s cage for mating, and if the doe is in
full sexual receptivity it will lift the tail and
within a minute the buck will be mating the doe. Mating is
successful when the buck falls to one side or backwards
after mating
Ovulation occurs 10 - 13 hours after copulation – reflex
Pseudo pregnancy/
Pseudopregnancy in rabbit may result from sterile copulation and lasts for 16 to
17 days. At the end of this period she may pull hair from her body and attempt to
make nest and shows development of uterus and mammary gland.
Gestation period
28 -34 days (average 31 days)
Pregnancy diagnosis
The methods adopted to determine the state of pregnancy
are test mating, weight gain method and the ‘palpation
technique’. The palpation technique is the most reliable
method if done by an experienced person.
Palpation technique
A completely relaxed doe should be placed on a table which has been covered in sacking
to prevent her from slipping.
The doe should be restrained by gently holding the fold of
skin behind ears and over the shoulders. The left hand is
placed under the body between the hind legs and in front of the pelvis. The uterine
horns are felt gently using fingers and thumb. The thumb is placed to right of horns.
Embryos can be located and felt like small marble shaped bodies slipping backwards
between thumb and fingers when moved gently in a sideways direction. An experienced
person can deter-mine pregnancy by 8th to 10th day of mating using this technique.
During last week of pregnancy a nest box lined with wood shaving or hay or coir
fibre should be placed inside the cage.
Litter size
6-8 kits
4-6 weeks
Kindling interval
2 months (it may be as short as one month if bred immediately following kindling)