19 February 2025
Animal Husbandry > Rabbit
General Information
Rabbits are basically reared for meat, fur and wool. They have great potential to
convert the absolute feed into quality products for human beings. Advantages of
rabbit for farming are:
- Rabbits can be fed with high forage, low grain diet
that is largely non-competitive with human food.
- Rabbits have high feed conversion efficiency with feed/grain
rations (2.5-3.0 on high grain diet and 3.5-4.0 on high forage, grain free diet).
- They have a high growth rate attaining market weight
of about 2 kg at 12 weeks of age.
- Rabbits have the potential of being in a constant state
of reproduction. They can be crossed within 24 hours of kindling, during post-partum
- Rabbit meat is a high quality, nutritious product.
- Rabbits are suited to both small scale (backyard) and
large-scale commercial production.