24 February 2025
Animal Husbandry > Cattle
Disease Management
Be on the alert for signs of illness such as reduced feed intake, fever,
abnormal discharge or unusual behaviour.
Consult the nearest veterinary aid centre for help if illness is suspected.
Protect the animals against common diseases.
In case of outbreak of contagious disease, immediately segregate the
sick, in contact and the healthy animals and take necessary disease control measures.
Conduct periodic tests for Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Johne's disease,
Mastitis etc.
Deworm the animals regularly.
Examine the faeces of adult animals to detect eggs of internal parasites
and treat the animals with suitable drugs.
Wash the animals from time to time to promote sanitation.
Programme for vaccination of farm animals against
contagious diseases
Sl. No.
Name of disease
Type of vaccine
Type of vaccination
Duration of immunity
Anthrax (Gorhi)
Spore vaccine
Once in an year premonsoon vaccination
One season
Black Quarter (Sujab)
Killed vaccine
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Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (Galghotu)
Ocladjuvant vaccine
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Brucellosis (Contagious abortion)
Cotton strain 19 (live bacteria)
At about 6 months of age
3 or 4 calvings
To be done only in infected herds
Foot and Mouth disease (Muhkhar)
Polyvalent tissue culture vaccine
At about 6 months of age with booster dose 4 months later
One season
After vaccination repeat vaccination every year in Oct./Nov.
Rinderpest (Mata)
Lapinised avianised vaccine for exotic and crossbred cattle, caprinised vaccine
for zebu cattle.
At about 6 months of age
Life long
It is better to repeat after 3 to 4 years
(Source: NDDB)
For more details:Kerala State Animal Husbandry