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Animal Husbandry > Cattle



Proper housing, which is conducive to good health, comfort and protection from inclement weather, is one of the important factors necessary for utilising the genetic potential for optimal production. The site selected should be dry, elevated and well drained with provision for enough space for future expansion. An average farmer having not more than 2 milch animals with calves generally make use of an existing wall for constructing a lean-to-type of cattle shed.

The standing space is provided in such a way that the animals are facing the manger, which is adjacent to the wall. The length and width of standing space is kept variable from 1.5 to 1.7 m and 1 to 1.2 m per animal respectively. The manger should be constructed in such a way as to facilitate easy cleaning and prevent wastage of fodder.

The flooring should be non-slippery, hard and impervious. It can be brick laid on edge or stone slabs or concrete. A plinth of at least 15 cm in height shall be provided for the floor. The floor may be given a slope of 1 in 40 to 1 in 60 depending upon the type of flooring. The manger shall be of continuous type. The manger wall may be constructed with wooden plank, brick in lime or cement mortar. The flooring of the manger may be the same as that of the floor but the surface should be smooth with all corners rounded off. A two-way tethering arrangement may be provided.

Drinking water should be readily available for the cow at all times. It is advisable to provide a water channel on the fore curb with overflow facility at one end of the shed.

The roof shall be a lean-to-type suitably slopped according to local condition. The material for roofing may be thatch, tiles, G.I. sheets, asbestos cement etc. In summer the roof may be overlaid with thick thatch to lessen heat stress.

Housing space requirements for crossbred cattle

Age-group Manger Space (mtr.) Standing or covered area (sq.mtr.) Open Space (sq.mtr.)
4-6 months
6-12 months
1-2 years
Pregnant cows
*To be housed individually (Source: Kerala Agricultural University)

The drain will have to be laid just outside the shed. It can be built with brick and cement mortar with rounded corners. A slope of 1 in 40 is required. The width of the drain should be 30 cm and depth 6 to 7.5 cm providing a slope towards outside. The drain should lead to a urine pit having a depth not exceeding 40 cm. It may be circular or rectangular and covered with a lid.


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