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Animal Husbandry > Pig


Modern and well-established scientific principles, practices and skills should be used to obtain maximum economic benefits from pig farming.

Selection of breeds

  • For commercial pig farming upgraded / crossbred or exotic stock in good health should be selected.
  • While selecting a gilt or sow primary aim should be to secure a female that will produce large survivable litter and which can attain marketable weight at an age of six months or less.
  • Animals those are ready to be bred should be selected.
  • Identify the newly purchased animal by giving suitable identification mark (ear notching or tattooing).
  • Vaccinate the animals against diseases.
  • Keep the animal under observations for a period of about two weeks and then mix with the other animals.
  • Purchase animals in two batches at the interval of three months.
  • Follow judicious culling and replacement of animals in a herd.
  • Cull the old animals after 10-12 farrowings.
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